Been listening to so much 80s, just like 8th grade again. DON'T YOU BRING YOUR LOVE DOWN, ALL NIGHT. Yaz is beautiful.
But still so watched Bee and Puppycat, Thankyou Kibi. I'm gonna be saying this for the rest of my life probably.
Found out lulu will be doing Bee(girl) for Daisho and I thought I had my lineup of Notepad-Rwby-Fluttershy. But I think I'll be adding Puppycat instead of fluttershy. Who knows I might jsut pile one on the other just because scheduling with other people always sucks. But it'll be fun. And it might be good for me to be just as erratic as some people and their cosplays (no offense to people that do plan 5 in one day nonproffessional) It's just not my thing right now. Too much UNNEEDED stress for me....
But yeah get back to positive here. So far this is my design because it's puppy cat, I don't want a huge project especially at such a surprise. It's mainly going to be a jacket, leggings and my trusty hiking boots. Going to reuse my kugelmugel wig as a somewhat genderbent version. More just young and edgy like I like. Because I imagine him as a either an old man or very princely (maybe like Kuro from Project K/Project.Gay). Most of it will be jsut detailing. Like adding brown tea bags on the pigtails because siamese. And KB gave my the awesome idea for masking tape/paperbag eye brows.
What I love about this cosplay is I get be grumpy cat, without actually being grumpy cat. And also gibberish. I've been breaking out into gibberish since 5th grade. NOW IT'S USEFUL :D
Next is the list of impulse cosplays I'm planning. Won't explain in full now but a somewhat genderbent peppermint butler. I just really want to experiment with a red and white wig for this. Thinking of turning a bucky fever wig (wisconsin) into a slick back mullet. Everything else will be details as well

Then there's the mookie000 bunnies. Honestly I'd love to do them all. But I think right not my first priority would be her LSP just because, I will never be too fat or too thin for her. Also purple leggins I already have!
Then I really love her Lady Rainicorn, and as a character I would probably do her over any other princess just because she's so bad ass and fun.
And then finally in the more mainstream cosplay ideas, I always look for FP when it comes AT princesses cosplaywise (Marceline still fav but FP makes a close second in princesses) And look at this adorbs bunny.
Obv. She's done more but those I don't feel like posting since I don't think I'll ever want to cosplay them in the future. I'll have to like really build up my self for Marceline, want to do her beauty justice.
Then in the actual realm. I so far fixed the Kugel Mugel vest. It originally had one awk button that held nothing but boob shame. So I actually sewed on more. First time adding buttons to anything. Used a man proof sewing site for reference, because I know myself. Diff. buttons? Eh DGAF it's ART

Don't have pictures yet but so far I made real progress on notepad, well I think. I am becoming very savvy with the machine, fast learner, no fear, no time, ultimate motivation. My seams are a little metrosexual. But hell did I hem the shit out of a bar napkin. SO DAMN CLOSE TOT HE EDGE YOU COULD MAKE A SEX SOLO ON THAT SHIT.
I think I'm really coming along on her and I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR SHIT
-also no more comic con chicago cuz fuck that BUT I GOT TO GO TO COMIC CON MADISON WITH MY DAD HOORAY!!!-
-RB out
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