Okay so this time let's just see what my life looks like right now. This is my room, if you could read pixel you could see one of the boxes says cosplays on it. Boy that was a rough road on memory lane, so much stuff to remake just for pride. So many beautifully embarrassing mistakes from 8th grade

And below you will see my breakfast, hash browns with syrup, cut up bananas, and complimentary water (because only nazis rob people of sunlight and water) I think this is how I'll start all mornings because I am NAUSEOUS AS FUCK in the morning. This is also why I am NOT a morning person. I'm not used to it, I'm an insomniac. And I'm lactose intolerant and tire of certain foods easily when I eat them constantly. So there's not a lot of breakfast food I can eat on routine. I think I'll stick with bananas or so.

Onto actual cosplay! So I won stuff from the cosplay fox! Didn't know I would be moving closish to her, same city bro. I think I will end up being a loyal customer of her, as she's an insomniac, hard worker, proud of her work, motivated, and very easy to reach.
As you can see I was very excited to see it when I got home

So it was a scrap bundle of stuff she knew she wouldn't need anymore. Which isn't big, but for the girl that's been doodling since she was two and would still practice stick horse with a broken arm, cuz it didn't make no difference) and only ever received honorable mentions. It's a pretty big deal to actually win something (probably because I was much easier to ship to than international)
But yeah it came with these three rolls of ribbon, I love the sparkly blue bit most of it is extra and for whatever the future holds. The really important stuff is I got ALOT of white fabric to tear up for the notepad skirt, shiny orange fabric possiblu for Elsaba as well as some soft suede, corduroy textured fabric, that maybe for elsaba as well. Who knows, but I have it so great!

Another catch is I got an Armin wig XD. I'm going to attach extensions and dye the whole thing into a pearl wig later on

You can imagine how much fun that's gonna be. Also realized I can BUY most of her stuff at Target and the mall, but mainly target! Excellentness
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