Saturday, August 16, 2014

RB's motivation: The standards of Pearl are high above this level of ghetto DGAF

DISCLAIMER: this level of ghetto cosplayer should only be viewed by fellow ghetto cosplayers at or near the same proclaimed level of Twin fools

With that out there now, let's begin this trip of oh my god really. I use this tutorial as my guide: sharpie wig dying tutorial

It calls for a plastic tub to soak the wig in. This giant thing was all I had. I reccomend for a much more appropriately sized tub, and also to have much more patience than I to avoid my mistakes and sloppy habits.

Since I had to dye both the wig and the shaper, with two different sort of colors, I decided to tape off the two sections. So I could dye both at the same time and make use of the obnoxious thing

Pay no attention to the old artwork in the back of the room. Here we have to dye the wig a lighter shade of orange. And the shaper a much more prominent pastel pink. Now both are pastel so at least I'm not fully worried if I don't have enough, or if the dye doesn't stick/make a very concentrated color. I was actually more scared of that than the opposite like you would be usually. Both bottles are just generic rubbing alcohol, bought from two different convenience stores

Now this stunk so bad I had to put it in the garage. Also my duct tape didn't fully work. But atleast the dyes didn't mix into opposite areas. THAT would suck. But honestly I don't think I would have minded if it spilled into each, at least for the shaper. The wig idk, bc I know it's not going to stick that well anyway.

But still something happened, and honestly this tutorial has worked better on clothing compared to wigs for me over the years, not that I dye wigs a lot a lot.

 ewwwww it looks like coldcut turkey....and I had to touch it.

So after 90+ minutes I took them out of the solution and placed them on the tarp. Now awaiting them to by dry, and turning them over every so often. Also the shaper is MUCH MUCH pinker in real lighting. This is grody lighting. And it looks like if Fight Club were a musical, held in a suburban garage. I was almost making soap earlier....

ugh stinks so bad in there

Now onto the science that was trying to figure out Pearl's forehead jewel. I thought I could melt a candle into pourable wax. As I saw these soap molds were the perfect shape as inspiration. But I'm still wondering what will get that milky opaque color, but still wearable and malleable into the ideal shape. 
So ignore that candle that ruined that cup on the right

I've now moved onto this idea which is using the 3D fabric paint in the tin. Now just waiting for that to become dry and solid enough to test out. If it works I'll try and attach it with body glue

I only had so much white fabric paint so I tried to fill it more to the line with some red. I made sure it wouldn't show through front side. But even if it does, I can paint over the paint, once of if it dries in the next day. It's pretty thick so I'm not judging this acrylic.

Another pic to show how thick the thing is. I tried to make it pretty small for MY forhead. People tell me I have a very small head.....

And last nothing to do with Pearl but I found a flower for Ruby Rose. It's not a rose, oh I know. It's a peony, but it was 1.99. Plus I wanted it to be very flat on the belt. I'm planning to paint this over with silver paint. And if I get the belt soon, attach it to there.

Since we're on Ruby Rose, I did find the cape at party city. I just have to make the hood part, which will not be much trouble, since I've done it before. Tomorrow, hopefully. But my real objective is to get fabric. If I can't get it all, I'm counting on the Pearl fabric at the least. OH I WANT THAT SHIRT DONE SO MUCH.

now we play the waiting game. Did I mention the rest of the dye is sitting in a pepsi bottle I found in the recycle bc I was desperate? No, well there is
-RB out

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