Monday, August 12, 2013

DIY fake cigarettes using......STRAWS

This is R.B. again. Today we will be discussing those tiny details that can sometimes pull a concept together nicely, or atleast cut off the dead ends of music video prop making

Now that sounds pretentious BUT I do take pride in this one creation.

FAKE CIGARETTES. -sorry no pictures of the final product as that was two months ago-
(I lulu kept one) 

BUT I have no common sense and I consider this idiot proof.

-plastic straws, opaque white ones w/ or w/o fun stripes but mainly opaque white is recommended
-white acrylic paint, rec craft as it is very opaque
-goldish orange paint ^ same brand^
-toilet paper
-dark brown paint, any kind will actually but for quick dry time do acrylic
-small paint brush I prefer flat brushes close to a perfect square

Step one.

Cut your straws into smaller pieces. I chose straws because they're easy to get and are very close in diameter to a real cigarette. If you're making many and used ones get a variety of sizes. For used ones try and cut at an angle to get those burned edges. You can gestimate on sizes really because some brands can be very long while others are much shorter.

Step two.

Get your plastic straws and paint them white. You might have to layer the paint to get the most opaque solid color but be patient. It shouldn't take more than 10-15 mins really unless that's a life time for you. Do at least two layers for each cigarette

Step three. (If you are going filterless skip this step)

Once they are completely dry paint one end of each with your goldish orange paint. Try to make it opaque again by layering it twice. Get the lines straight showing where the filter ends and the actual paper starts. But still don't get anal if you want to get a variety of sizes. For the butts you still have to show a filter because, for all the non smokers confused, you put your mouth on the filter and it doesn't get burned off when left behind. If you're trying to make a new pack it's time to develop OCD. Let the paint dry and move on

Step four.

This I think is the fun part, filling them up so no light can show through. because face it if you are making lots you are probably not going to get super solid painting. It also gives them some weight to get a better feel for your nicotine addicted character. AND when you turn it the camera won't see a gaping hole through it showing it's a painted straw. And you won't be called a poser smoker.

So get your pencil and a toilet paper. Take off some SMALL strands of teepee AT A TIME. Roll them up pretty small and just stuff them through the straws entirely. Don't get super tight in them, it's better to actually spread the tp out thinly through out the tube so you can spare using an entire roll of angel soft charmin. Because that will not be fun when you get yelled at about it by room mates on wasting tp.

It is important to fill the whole tube though as a cigarette is filled all the way for extra lung cancer. You'll want a bit of tuff filling out of the non filtered end to look like the rolled tobacco.

Step five.

Last step is to get your brown paint and water it down slightly. Just dab both ends till no white of the tp is visible. You'll want the paint to be kind of thick so it will clump the tp into a rough bump texture. Don't be afraid to get some of the ends a bit splattered. As we should all know cigarettes are filthy.

And there you have it. This is not a strict tutorial, just my own method made at 1 am. Be prepared to experiment for your own desired result. And if you want to reject this reality please substitute it for your own!

-I will update with pictures when we make some more- 
I got ya covered RB! ~ Lulu


~ RB Simms

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