
Saturday, May 30, 2015

No Brand Con 2015 in review! Pictures included!

Now this was sort of a last minute, "lets go on a day trip to a convention we have never been to before" type of thing(if there is such a thing). 

That being said we didn't really know what to expect out of No Brand Con. We had heard about it before yes, but never actually been and never really heard much about it except that it is a thing that happens. 

It was actually quite small, and that was ok. I actually really liked that about No Brand. It was easier to socialize and interact with con goers and the vendors. I loved it. The only down side was the lack of other con related activities. The panels that where held where wonderful, but I felt that there where not enough of them. I felt the same in regards to the viewing rooms. But hey! Next year it will be held in the Wisconsin Dells next year so there is that(not gonna lie, super excited)

Now all of the minor criticisms apart, I really did enjoy myself. I had a blast wearing my Bee cosplay and running around taking selfies! Now this is actually the last place I am posting these pictures so if you ever want to see pictures faster, the best thing to do is follow me on Facebook

Like this jem of a selfie :P!

All of the cosplayers I met were really awesome, creative, and resourceful. So you know, basically everything we pride ourselves on here at Cosplay Confessions! 

Take the Modaka here for example, she made it herself mostly from bed sheets. Like hell yes! I was just blown away with how creative she and all the cosplayers got with their costumes! I could go on and  on about this, but I feel like that is another blog post(or two) all on its own. 

Ok carry on with your lives now that you have seen all of my wonderful pictures from No Brand! 


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