
Friday, August 16, 2013

RBs motivation: kugelmugel and vanellope day 3/4

Okay so yesterday I hadn;t slept from 10:30 a.m. wednesday to 10;30 p.m. thursday night. Why? Because Scarface is too awesome to pause, I was doing this late again and I usually think it's a good idea. I almost fell asleep at work three times if it weren't for my lovely coworker Katie making us all coffee during the slow period.

So I'm continuing today because I feel I have made a lot of progress over two days. Well for me and my schedule at least.

So I've been working on the Vanellope Skirt. Got the fabric for Kugel Mugel shorts and besides the red beret to get fucking Nic Cage to locate since no one sells it, I'm pretty much done with the cosplay. I think. I thought I would need to make bangs for the wig but no. Which is great, just braided it and looks fabulous now. And I got other things to worry about!

Uneven braids are uneven. May fix later on but for right now. ASYMMETRY IS ART.

So here's the fabric and the two different types of elastic I got. Will work with Lulu either tomorrow, unless I have to work, or def on Sunday

Here are the finished and last group of badges. Trust me I have too many now and i jsut want to buy more. Will make the last portrait ones into earrings for a last minute b-day present in the future

So here's the skirt. I remember last year, or even previous year, I was needing to make two cosplays involving black pleated skirts. DO you know how difficult it is to make a pleated skirt? NOW ADAYS WHEN NO ONE WEARS THEM OR HAS A SCHOOL UNIFORM WITH THEM. Because they're too sexy. So i'm pretty sure ALL cosplayers know, or will come to know this. And with that fact, why not use one for both cosplays? There was a big red stripe across one, while not on the other. I did just that for ICD Madison WI though.

Trick is for a short skirt, which it usually is. Get a long one, which actually exist cheap, and alter it. Extra fabric never hurt anyone.

But in that mindset I was so stressed and called my dad to go get one from savers. In the end it was dark brown. NOT BLACK. I was stressed and expected this thing to happen. BUT now I have a skirt for Vanellope. All good things come to those who wait children and here it is, rather long for my short legs.

It's also a weird fabric, stretchy and texturised like half melted nerds.

Close up of the pleates They are physical strips pleated down all the way. Not just nice folding. Good for a recess cup skirt not for hemming.

Here it is stretched out

Weird right?

Here I cut it, rather unevenly. And was planning to jsut hem it and add a second layer with the extra fabric like the original design

Till I ran into this problem. IT DOES NOT FLOW LIKE A PLAYFUL GIRL SKIRT. IT'S A PENCIL SKIRT. Those curves are my hips. See where I'm hitting walls? Fuck this stretchy fabric, so heavy it don't flow properly.

This wouldn't be a problem for someone without an ass probably. Like many of my male friends. I would have loved to be born with that stick bug body shape. I COULD BE AN ANTELLOPE. But this way if the economy ever gets bad, I could pose as a slut. Not be. Just pose. For middle schoolers.

So I scrapped that idea. And with the extra fabric I decided I;m going to make a skirt from scratch. Tip is to hem the pleats loosely so that it's forced to fold even if the fabric doesn't want to flow all nice. And I will not make a second layer. IF IT WORKS simply because no more fabric and i'm going to kill myself. Hoepfully this will work the way I need to on Sunday. I won't kill Lulu's machine and I won't need to start over with less than a week before the PANEL. NOT JUST THE CONVENTION. THE PRINCESS PANEL WHERE CHILDREN JUDGE.

Couldn't get a proper pic of wearing the skirt as it doesn't fit to my waist with the right effect of the flowing. BUT IT DOES FLOW MUCH BETTER NOW. Let's just hope and pray

Those are sticky note bar pin safety pins. Because normal pins won't hold this thicker stretchy fabric that I will forever hate but can not name.

Reason I was too busy to work on cosplay earlier. I made zombie make up for the L4D2 cmv!

Our Hunter extra. He has really long eyelashes. So long I can't paint his under eye area. We have to use actual make up.

End of day 3/4

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