
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

RB's motivation: Kugel Mugel and Vanellope Day 2

So first cosplay heroes is on. It's alot more different than I was expecting. I really don't know if I will keep watching after face off ends every week. Yaya might make the drama worth it. BUT THAT IS THE THEME FOR TODAY since I made some good progress.

Above are the things I saw and the socks I bought for  Lulu. They're weirder than I thought....they are thigh high toeless socks. Didn't see that coming....
This is what I wore today from thrift shopping for fun. I thought it was pretty cool and I never get to really dress up AND go out for no reason

Also Sand hill cranes crossing the street, that's what happens when you are made to walk for two hours

So first off made good progress on Kugel Mugel, actually got the entire torso parts done; pinstripe dress shirt, white vest, black tie ribbon, and possibly badges

The shirt is supposed to be a blue pin striped dress shirt. And I had some trouble finding one in my size so i thought I would settle on buying a fab purple one instead

But then I searched another store and found A PERFECT SHIRT.

 I think it would have worked either way seriously considering the color scheme. Kugel Mugel is an artist so I imagine he would get fashiony. I actually can't believe his pinstripes don't already match his purple shorts now that I think about it. It all worked out though because I get an awesome dress shirt for keeps to wear on Pride day!

Onto the vest. It actually came from a three piece sexy 90s woman's suit. I'm thinkin that's what you call it.

I only needed the vest but there wasn't really a way to buy it alone. Eh best 12 bucks I spent I think. BONUS: That tank shirt is so flattering and smart. It has a zipper that zips down for solo dressing. The top porsion actually hugs your chest and is free to flow at the bottom. SO it actually stays up and is VERY flattering, which is hard to find for my body type of petite, broad shoulders, boobs and hips. Most of the time if I try and find something pretty it's too long or I look like a skank in childrens clothes. Ah 5 foot nothin blues..... I'M KEEPIN THE PANTS AND SHIRT THO

Now the original design is a closed button standard formal vest. But that's very hard to find in stark white. Very common in darker colors though. Mine is more of a cardigan style with a single button for hugging curves. KUGEL MUGEL IS A GUY THO. If I wanted to be a fem version it would be a cinch, litterally.

So I have come to the conclusion that I need a binder of some sort of compression shirt. Because I was wearing a very good sports bra, good for gym and lots of running but it still didn't flatten my chest enough to my pretty thin waist. And this is women's clothing so it's tighter and more curve accentuating. We'll figure this out later though.

(Dad had to take that pic and he got my face when I told him not too..........don't be fooled I was actually feeling pretty great about the outcome.)

Now onto the black tie ribbon. Again took some more artistic girlish liberties. This is actually made out of a very soft halloween zoro mask i found while looking for some fabric scraps.

I took really bad quality pics on my ipod as that is my only camera but I would like to splurge on the process.

I decided on transforming the mask because of the texture (or lack of), weight, length, and curving of it. The ends used to tie around the head are what inspired me the most, because they tapered into a nice fold that I thought was very elegant. I feel Kugel would agree, as THAT IS ART RIGHT THERE

I found that most masks don't have a full skull wrap like the one I found so I am lucky because it created a lot of good fabric I could use to make the very thin see through material solid and opaque.

The main thing I did was cut off the eyelit part into this weird butterfly bat shape thing. I also cut the curving seam down the middle so it would no longer bunch. Kind of good and bad I had the skull wrap design in stead. LOTS of extra fabric

Talk about taking flight....... SO next I realized I should hand sow the extra material into a sort of more bandana head band shape. Or well think of the rosey the riveter bandana; folding that large square shape into a long rope to wrap up and keep your hair away. Lulu knows what I'm talking about.

Handsowing took awhile since I hadn't done it in awhile and dark lighting on black fabric with black thread = not fun. Probably 45 mins. I also took short cuts remembering it would twisted around the collar anyway. Don't sweat some tiny details bro most people snap a pic and run away when you do it right

Curved it inward you can see the nice tapering of the ends that I didn't have to cut! So no loose strands as it is already hemmed by party city! Yeah creative upcycling!! And it's silky to the touch to boot!

Oh and Octopus pin to keep it together still taking from the original design but adding my own spin.

Tip on badges and cosplay jewelry. As you can tell I like editing the original design to what I find in real life. Jewelry is a pain in the ass to find specifically for cosplay.

To get around this I say go with you think both your character and you would want to wear. Life's a lot more fun that way if it's not an essential like the character family crest or an FMA military insignia of alchemy.

And to get around even more make your own! That is not an octopus badge, it was a pendant that I added a backing to. I recommend hot glueing or securing the pendant backings proffessionally but I opted for sticky back types instwead. Not most reliable but for now

PENDANTS ARE THE BEST. As they can get very creative and beautiful while you can make them into whatever. Like a badge, a ring, a bracelet, anklet, or a necklace since it already comes with a loop usually.

These were made for my lady gaga vma meat dress last year and it was awesome hard work. They were pendants at first that were glued to childrens toy ring facets. As I ahve small fingers and they were the only ones that could adjust to me fingers. It was very easy to just pull off the fake gems and glue on the pendants. And trust me you could kill someone with these rings they are so huge and fabulous.

No progress on Vanellope today till I can get those tights! Sorr for super long post but it was an eventful day with Lulu and Tricia and details needed to be splurged!

End of Day 2

P.S. We got prizes for the Panel. Dollar Store=Magic Baby

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