
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning about Creative Commons Confession.

Creative Commons Confession. 

Now youtubers especially can relate to this. When ever you make a video and you just have to add music to it don't you? Well that is a natural feeling to have, don't worry you are not alone. Recently I was cleaning out the Stupidity Reigns Pro. email account and I stumbled upon an email from youtube. I was not very happy to read it as you can imagine. It was in regards to a Convention video I had posted on S.R.P. a few years ago. In short our account has 1 strike now, though it could be more, I'm not sure. 
To date S.R.P. has never really used any music from our videos that would garner much problems but this still worried me. I am subscribed to a youtuber who has been making videos for many years now and through her time posting to youtube she has accumulated 2 strikes already. That really alarmed me since I had never fully considered what would happen if we got strikes. Though hopefully it was only our 1st one I decided not to take any more chances and did what I should have done years ago. Research. 
After reading the email I decided to do the practical thing and research what websites have music you are free to use in videos. This opened a can of worms and I ended up learning about what is known as "Creative Commons". This was really helpful information to have as a youtuber. Over all I used three websites to make sure I had figure everything out, and yes I did have to use three. 
Now the lesson to take away from this? Educate yourself as a youtuber. There are some things that you don't always consider but you should. I never thought this issue to be important until S.R.P. got their first strike. Really, look this stuff up at some point, don't wait until you have all 3 strikes and you are banned from youtube. 


Helpful Links-
Also visiting the Creative Commons website is a good idea too. 

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