
Monday, January 21, 2013

Finals week and new year update.

So confession time! Once again, yes I have a lot of things to confess, don't judge!

So as of, oh I don't know.... the beginning of September I have been really slacking on my S.R.P. jobs and I am barely keeping this blog alive. Due to school and my own stupidity a lot has not been done. I want to challenge myself to fix that. Now I'm not going to go overboard and promise new videos and scripts, I know myself. I'll take baby steps and post more pictures. I will actually make the first video to add to the line of confession videos. I will also get around to editing my Asami makeup video. I will also work more to get past my own insecurities as a cosplayer, yes we all have those.

So as what this means in terms of this blog? It means I will make more of an effort to gather things from around the internet and maybe showcase cosplayers from around DA and ask them what their biggest confessions as cosplayer would be. Remember we were all starters at one point.

So now I will flood with pictures!

I think this was the best shot with the petals. 

I swear this was the only good picture I took.

Fun fact, Diva did a total of 4 different cosplays that day!

And here is the little Rabbit who crashed our photoshoot! ----------------->

We walked away from this photoshoot ready to give Diva an award for the most costume changes in one shoot.


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